Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Got Keys!!!!!!! No Lease !!!!!!!

Well I have at last received the keys to my new shop and just when I thought things were going my way at last.....bam!!!! No chance...turns out there is a problem with the signing of the lease....pet shop man has repairs to do and cannot sign off the lease to me until he agrees to do them. Straight forward you may think, not if you are someone who still has the silver thrupenny you were given when born....this guy hates to spend money....so yet again here I am with a house full of stock, cleaning products, decorating implements and storage displays....and still have no place to put them. Now I know I said I was not going to let other peoples negativity affect me this year.....but this is pushing it to the limit and we are only at the middle of January...doesn't bode well for the rest of the year.

I am however quite excited about another venture I have agreed to undertake....I have been approached to teach the beginners card making class, in the evenings at a local college.....beginning 19th February......and they will pay me....! It is totally at my discretion what I do....so making plans for that and they are coming along really well.

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