Thursday, 18 January 2007

On a cold and snowy morning

Well I feel like I am living in a little snow globe, the snow has been swirling outside the window since I got out of bed this morning. But it will take more than a little snow to dishearten me today, I am now sorted out with my new shop. So today I will be spending the whole day cleaning it out, have all my cleaning supplies, steam cleaner is ready to go...better take new batteries for me I am not a natural born cleaner...I do it because it has to be done...having said that, I dont mind mess....but I detest dirt!!!
So In about 30mins I will be gloved and masked trying to sanatise a toilet....ooooooooh! oh well it will all be worth it when it is clean and gorgeous.....!

Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Its all about you

I saw these questions on another site and thought it would be fun to answer them.

1)What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why?
I worked part time as a barmaid in a local hotel..I mainly worked weekends in the function suite where they held the you have a Big Band, Country Music, Easy Listening type of a room stacked to the ceiling with head banging, heavy metal fans who all looked liked hells angels....It was a blast....the fun was usually at the end of the night when they could not bite the end of their own finger...but they would offer to do wonderful things to you with said finger if you would only give them one more drink..!!!!

2) Name one thing you did in the past that you no longer do but wish you did?

I used to dance, my darling husband Stuart played in the clubs and my friend and I would go to hear them play and boogie the night of the best forms of exercise and If I still did it maybe I would be able to get off some of the weight I gained from stopping smoking

3A) What two things would you most like to learn or be better at, and why?
Singing - my friend is the director of The South Kirk singers and most of my other friends sing with them....I make the tea after the shows....I am afraid I couldnt carry a tune in a bucket....I love to sing, but I can honestly say it is not always tuneful....I have always said if I had a wish, being able to sing would far out weigh my desire for cash....I would love to be a country singer.

Public speaking - I would love to be more confident when it comes to speaking in public or in a dont get me wrong I could take for Scotland...but as Captain of our local Girls' Brigade I have to get up and speak to the parents etc and I am extremely nervous about it..I also take training sessions and always start out really I would like to learn to be more confident.

3B) If you could take a class/workshop/apprenticeship from anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
Glen Miller - I would love him to teach me music, his talent was amazing...and I love his music.

4A) What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you?
Loyal, Hardworking, Determined

4B) Now list two more words you wish described you.
Beautiful, Skinny .....LOL

5) What are your top three passions? (Can be current or past, work, hobbies, or causes)
My family, Papercrafts, Girls' Brigade

6) Write–and answer–one more question that YOU would ask someone.
If you won a lot of money what would you buy?

If I won the lottery I would love to buy a massive house on the coast facing out to sea with a private beach and to the rear it would have to have the most amazing hills and mountains. I would then be able to use the rooms to allow girls from Girls' Brigade to have weekends away in a lovely safe and secure environment

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Go Beyond ~

I have an wonderful friend who I met through a forum I am involved with. As a gift she sent each of our team members a cd she had made, she teaches seminars, does corporate team building and also does individual therapy to help people overcome fears. Now the cd she sent me is a relaxation cd, to help you, with the use mild hypnosis to relax and aleviate stress....well to be honest it has lay on my desk for two months, I would look at it, but never got round to listening to it....until tonight, In response to lots of things that have been happening in my life at the moment, I had got very low and I decided to give the cd a listen to see if it could calm the tension I was feeling....OMG!!!!!!!! it was one of the most amazing feelings ever, I am not going to go into all how it made me feel, as you would think I was mad...but I could actually feel the tension leaving my body and I am sitting here typing this and my problems have not gone away, but I do not feel that I am tied up in knots about them anymore, it is actually as if a weight has been lifted from me...I feel totally amazing...if you would like to find out more about what my friend does go to the website link at the top of this post, I couldnt begin to try to tell you exactly what she does etc....but I can certainly vouch for the fact that it works....right I actually feel like I can go to bed and wont be stressed out during the night..
Goodnight !!!!!!!!

Got Keys!!!!!!! No Lease !!!!!!!

Well I have at last received the keys to my new shop and just when I thought things were going my way at last.....bam!!!! No chance...turns out there is a problem with the signing of the shop man has repairs to do and cannot sign off the lease to me until he agrees to do them. Straight forward you may think, not if you are someone who still has the silver thrupenny you were given when born....this guy hates to spend yet again here I am with a house full of stock, cleaning products, decorating implements and storage displays....and still have no place to put them. Now I know I said I was not going to let other peoples negativity affect me this year.....but this is pushing it to the limit and we are only at the middle of January...doesn't bode well for the rest of the year.

I am however quite excited about another venture I have agreed to undertake....I have been approached to teach the beginners card making class, in the evenings at a local college.....beginning 19th February......and they will pay me....! It is totally at my discretion what I making plans for that and they are coming along really well.